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    The Metabolic Repair Program

    The Metabolic Repair Program


    This program is aimed at those who have been dieting on low amounts of calories for a long time and are no longer losing weight. You might have also been doing heaps of cardio to the point where the more you are doing the less results you are seeing.

    The problem with this approach is that your metabolism will adapt to consuming low amounts of energy by conserving energy expenditure. This is call metabolic adaptation. Whenever you have a day or two off your extremely low calories you will put your body into a massive calorie surplus causing weight gain.




    This program is aimed at those who have been dieting on low amounts of calories for a long time and are no longer losing weight. You might have also been doing heaps of cardio to the point where the more you are doing the less results you are seeing.

    The problem with this approach is that your metabolism will adapt to consuming low amounts of energy by conserving energy expenditure. This is call metabolic adaptation. Whenever you have a day or two off your extremely low calories you will put your body into a massive calorie surplus causing weight gain.

    The only way to correct this is to raise your calories to a suitable level before gradually introducing a calorie deficit.

    We start off by recording and tracking everything you are eating through my fitness pal. We then gradually increase your calories for approximately four weeks. During this time we are not doing any structured workouts. By the fifth week we introduce a three day resistance training program which we run for four weeks.

    Your program also includes three recipe ebooks, high protein, low carb breakfast lunch and dinner options, our vegan recipe ebook and vegetarian recipe ebook.

    You will also receive a progress diary which you can use to schedule in your training, your meals and also your calorie and macro adjustments. The progress recorder can be used to record your weight and girth measurements and see how they improve over a period of time.

    PRICE: $49.95

    Program Features

    Every program is not only unique, but has been designed from the ground-up,
    based on the the latest scientific information and feedback from clients.

    Calorie & Macronutrient Guides

    • Personalise your nutrition to your exact goals.
    • Calculate your calorie requirements to ensure you reach your goals with the latest formulas.
    • Follow tailored nutrition recommendations in a clear and actionable way.

    7-Day Meal Plans

    • Create great tasting meals with a ton of variety.
    • Designed specifically to match the primary goal of the program.
    • Boost adherence by creating great tasting and easy meals.

    Supplement Guides

    • Supplements that have been proven to work based on the latest research
      and guidelines

    Meal Plan and Training Schedule

    • Plan your nutrition and training based on your schedule.
    • Templates that remove all of the guesswork.
    • Invaluable guidance so you can be sure you’re on the right track.

    Workout Programs

    • Boost your results with effective training programs matched to your goals.
    • Programs are periodized to ensure you make weekly progress.

    Progress Diaries

    • Track your progress.
    • Stay focused and motivated.

    Recipe Features

    Nutritious, quick to prepare meals that can be matched to your goals to
    fuel your body with the right foods at the right time

    Professional, High-quality Recipes

    • Detailed calorie and macro profiles for every recipe (plus MyFitnessPal barcodes).
    • Match the best recipes to your training and body composition goals.
    • Matched to the program nutrition plans to make client food prep and cooking even easier.

    Detailed Nutritional Information

    • High protein, low carb/high carb options
    • Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
    • Vegan and vegetarian options included

    Upon sign up you’ll receive our full range of recipe e-books including

    Additional information


    $49.95 per week for 12 weeks, $44.95 per week for 1 year program

    Statements and Warnings