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Insulin’s Effect on Body Composition
Insulin is a growth hormone that is secreted by the pancreas. Insulin’s role is to assist the transport of glucose in the blood to be stored in either muscle cells, fat cells or other cells in your body. The amount of insulin levels will rise based on how rapidly blood glucose levels increase.
What causes blood glucose levels to rise? sugar, processed carbs and other starchy based foods. Over time the insulin receptors on your muscle cells become insulin resistant and do not respond to insulin. Increased fat storage then occurs. Protein, fat and fibrous vegetables have slower affects on blood glucose and insulin.
When taking skin folds on a client, elevated fat storage is normally found on the hips, upper back, lower back and stomach on those who show an insulin priority.
In terms of improving body composition on a client who shows insulin as a priority there are a number of different areas to focus on such as:
– Total calorie intake
– Macro-nutrient allocation
– Nutrient timing
– Training program
– Supplementation
Each client is unique and therefore individual calorie amounts and macro-nutrient allocations need to be specific for each person based on their body composition, training loads and energy outputs.
With clients that have poor insulin management and blood glucose disposal, carbohydrate intake needs to be regulated and consumed at times where carbohydrates can be better utilised.
In terms of training, resistance training and HIIT have both been found to help improve insulin sensitivity. The type of program will be determined based on the clients training history and fitness level.
Supplementation is also available that can help improve blood glucose clearance and keep
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