Free Body Composition Program
Sign up for our free body composition program which covers 12 science backed sessions which you can implement to help improve your body composition. The 12 sessions are both in video and written format and you can cover the content at your own pace.

Sample HIIT Workouts
Download a free sample of our 15 Minute HIIT workout program. Both beginner and advanced workouts included. Workouts range from body weight, kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls and slam balls.

Warm-up Calculator
Prior to starting a weight training session it is important to acclimatise yourself to the weight you are going to lift. Click below to try out our five set warm up calculator

Calculate Your BMR
When working out your calorie and macro requirements you first need to work out how many calories you are burning during the day by calculating your base metabolic rate and then adding on any additional calories you burn during the day.

Portion Control
If tracking calories is too tedious a more simple way of controlling your food intake is by portion control. Download our simple portion control guide to protein, carb, vegetable and fat portions for each meal

Sample Recipe E-book
If you’re stuck for healthy meal ideas try our free sample recipe e-book which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, high protein, low carb, gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian recipes.

Fat Loss Fact Sheet
Our fat loss fact sheet contains five areas that relate to improving your body composition that you need to consider such as training, calorie intake, incidental movement, sleep and gut function

Calorie Awareness
Whether your are wanting to gain muscle or lose body fat you need know the right amount of calories to consume. Once you know the amount of calories you should be consuming you then need to be aware of how calorie dense the food is that you are eating
When will I start seeing results from training and dieting?
Dieting well, not seeing results
The question everyone asks, when will I start seeing results?
How long to gain muscle and strength
Why could you be dieting well but not getting anywhere?
Training hard but not gaining muscle
Adding muscle is a long term game, but how long?
Do I need to do cardio
In this video I discuss the reasons why you might be training hard but not seeing the results you’re after.
Sleep for fat loss and muscle growth
Is cardio necessary? Yes or no depending on your goals and circumstances.
Adding more weight to your kettlebell squats
In this video I discuss the importance of sleep for both gaining muscle and losing fat.
Kettlebell and resistance band deadlifts
How to add more weight to your kettlebell squats using a resistance band
Determining weight for new exercise
How to add more weight to your kettlebell deadlifts using a resistance band
How Long Does It Take To Walk 10,000 Steps?
How to break up your steps during the day and avoid plateauing