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Gynoid and Android
The gynoid and android metabolic analytics profiles are two similar profiles as they focus on achieving better testosterone utilisation, assisting in the clearance of foreign estrogens from the body or dealing with excess estrogen production.
There are a number of different factors that contribute to elevated estrogen which include xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens and poor estrogen metabolism.
Exposure to foreign toxins or xenoestrogens sucah as BPA’s from plastic goods, chemicals sprayed on foods, cosmetics, fluoride in water, heating food in plastic containers can increase estrogen levels or mimic estrogen.

When we are exposed to an increased amount of environmental toxins, these toxins increase the activity of estrogen.
One side effect of elevated estrogen in the body is aromatization which is the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Aromatase is created in fat cells hence if you are carrying excess body fat you’ll be potentially converting more testosterone to estrogen.
Normally our body is able to clear these toxins from the body through detoxification and methylation. If this does not occur, these toxins are circulated throughout the body.
In terms of body composition, we tend to see elevated fat storage on pecs (chest) and below the waist on the quads and hamstrings.
Two methods are used to help clear estrogen from the body. The first is by replacing commercial brand chemical based household products such as cosmetics and cleaning products with non-toxic paraben free alternatives.
We also look at replacing food and drink products that can be potentially toxic such as drinking from plastic containers, alcohol, heating food in plastic containers, vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides, non-organic meat products, dairy and soy.
Increasing your intake of green and cruciferous vegetables will also help with estrogen metabolism.
Supplementation can also assist with estgrogen metabolism and excretion such as fiber, curcumin, DIM and calcium-d-glucarate. A short initial course is undertaken. We then retake skin folds to check progress and adaptation to the dietary and supplement changes.
To book metabolic analytics consultation complete the contact field below.