Weight Loss on a Budget: How to Save Time and Money
Weight Loss on a Budget: How to Save Time and Money
Weight loss meal plan on a budget By Nick Hall When I first start working with a new client and we begin to discuss their weight loss meal plan and how to include the right type of foods with each...
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Can artificial sweeteners make you fat?
Can artificial sweeteners make you fat?
By Nick Hall Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that was first discovered in 1965. Aspartame is sold under the brand Equal or Nutra-Sweet. It’s used as a substitute for sugar and has been widely approved around the world. Aspartame is...
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Nutrition for weight loss: Protein
Nutrition for weight loss: Protein
By Nick Hall This is a three part article and presentation which covers the right type of nutrients to include with each meal and the effect that different types of protein, carbohydrates and fat can have on your body, both...
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Nutrition for weight loss: Carbohydrates
Nutrition for weight loss: Carbohydrates
By Nick Hall This is part 2 on nutrition for weight loss. This article covers the misconception about carbs, how the right type of carbs can assist with weight loss and the type of carbs that assist in weight gain....
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Nutrition for weight loss: Fat
Nutrition for weight loss: Fat
By Nick Hall Good fats, essential fatty acids, Omega 3. Our awareness is growing of the importance to include more essential fatty acids into our diet. What are essential fatty acids, why do we need them and can they assist...
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Digestion and weight loss
Digestion and weight loss
By Nick Hall A lot of today’s processed foods lack essential nutrients, good bacteria and digestive enzymes. Some foods contain additives, sweeteners, hormones and antibiotics which can be toxic and stressful on our digestion. If your digestive system isn’t working...
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Stress and weight gain
By Nick Hall Our bodies have an inbuilt survival mechanism which dates back to when we were living outdoors, hunting for food, surviving cold winters and going periods of time without eating. Food was often scarce and we could face...
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Hormones and Weight Loss
By Nick Hall This article looks at two hormones that have a profound influence on weight loss. Those hormones are Insulin and Leptin. We also discuss our stress hormone Cortisol and how elevated Cortisol levels can cause you to gain...
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