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Resistance training
When it comes to improving your body composition and body shape resistance training is by far the best. Sure cardio and HITT have it’s place which I will discuss in a later post however your main focus should be resistance training.
You can split your workouts up into separate muscle groups ie chest, back, legs, arms or you can split it up into upper and lower body workouts. You also want to build your workouts around the major lifts such as pressing, rowing, pulling, squatting and deadlifting exercises. You can then include isolation exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, flyes, leg extensions and leg curls.
Each session focus on 4-5 exercises per session with approximately 10-12 sets per session. In terms of building up your training volume or total sets per week you can build up to 20 sets per muscle group per week. Ideally you can add one set per muscle group per week in order to gradually increase your training volume.
You’ll need to determine how many days per week you are willing or able to train before you then workout you training program. I would recommend at least 3-5 training sessions per week. Ideally you would also want to train each muscle group at least twice per week.
You also want to focus on increasing the amount of volume you are lifting each week. Volume is calculated as weight x reps x sets. You either want to increase the amount of weight your lifting, amount of reps your completing or amount of sets your completing.
For my online clients I tailor a periodised training program based on their training history and goals. Training volume is tracked and graphed so you can see how you are progressing. Exercises are modified every four weeks to avoid stagnation. Deloads are also included to assist recovery before restarting a new training block.
The next blog post will be on NEAT which you can view here
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