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Bioprint – Metabolic Analytics
I have found the most effective method for fat loss is buy using the metabolic analytics – bioprint protocol which I discuss further in this blog post
Bioprint or now called Metabolic Analytics is a body composition program designed by world renowned strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin. Poliquin has been developing and refining the program for over 30 years since he began applying his method to elite level athletes to help improve both body composition and athletic performance.
Metabolic analytics identifies hormonal or metabolic deficiencies based on body fat distribution over 14 different sites of the body. By using a skin fold analysis the hormonal or metabolic process with the highest priority is identified and a specific nutrition and supplement protocol is applied to correct the hormonal or metabolic process.
Skin fold re-testing is then taken at regular intervals to monitor progress at which time a new hormonal or metabolic process can be the new priority.
The five areas that Metabolic Analytics analyses are insulin, stress/recovery/adrenals, estrogen, androgen and gut function.
In brief, the insulin protocol looks at how well the body tolerates carbohydrates and how well glucose is cleared from the blood stream. The recovery protocol looks at how the body deals with stress, sleep, energy levels and adrenal function. The estrogen protocol look at how well the body clears environmental toxins and foreign estrogens from the body. The androgen protocol looks at how well the body uses the testosterone that it makes. The gut protocol looks at how well your body digests and absorbs nutrients from the food that you eat.
Prior to undertaking a skin fold analysis I’ll obtain a detailed background of the client to identify training and food intake history plus identify any underlying symptoms that should be taken into consideration before the skin fold analysis.
I’ve applied Metabolic Analytics to clients who are competing in physique competitions and want to achieve a much leaner physique through to general population clients who have hit a plateau with either fat loss or muscle gain.
As part of the Metabolic Analytics consultation I’ll also provide recommendations on calorie consumption and macro-nutrient allocation plus training programs if required.
To enquire about a consultation please complete the below contact form.