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    Home Body Transformation Program

    Home Body Transformation Program

    $49.95 / week for 12 weeks

    If you’re unable to use your gym due to COVID-19 restrictions or you would prefer to workout from home, we are now able to offer your our home body transformation program.

    This program is based on your body composition goals but will also take into consideration your diet and training history.

    The workouts will be based on your training history, current fitness level and the equipment that you have available. If you do not have equipment we can base your training program on body weight exercises. You will not require a large amount of space to train in.



    If you’re unable to use your gym due to COVID-19 restrictions or you would prefer to workout from home, we are now able to offer your our home body transformation program.

    This program is based on your body composition goals but will also take into consideration your diet and training history.

    The workouts will be based on your training history, current fitness level and the equipment that you have available. If you do not have equipment we can base your training program on body weight exercises. You will not require a large amount of space to train in.

    Your calorie and macro requirements will be broken down based on your body composition goals, training requirements and daily energy output. An estimate of your total daily energy expenditure will be calculated and your calorie requirements will be bade accordingly.

    Periodical adjustments will be made in order to prevent plateauing and you will be able to track your weekly progress.

    Weekly check-ins available through zoom or email.

    Recipe e-books also available.

    Prior to the commencement of your program we will go through a detailed initial consultation to establish:

    Body composition goals:

    • Training and nutrition history
    • Estimated daily energy output
    • Calorie requirements

    Home training program based on:

    • Equipment you have
    • Your training experience
    • Training program adjusted to prevent stagnation
    • Video explanations of exercises provided

    Upon sign up you’ll receive our full range of recipe e-books including

    $49.95 per week over 12 weeks.

    Additional information


    $49.95 per week for 12 weeks, $44.95 per week for 1 year program

    Statements and Warnings